Monday, December 16, 2013

My Happiness

“Happiness is a vine that takes root and grows within the heart, never outside it.”  ― Kahlil Gibran

To Me, Happiness is...
1.     Falling in love -- every morning when I wake up with Mike.
2.     Laughing so hard my cheeks burn -- or I wet my pants
3.     A hot bubble bath with scented candles and classical music...
4.     ...and often a good book.
5.     A special glance and a wink to follow over the breakfast table.
6.     Getting mail -- real mail -- from anyone, really.
7.     Hiking in Hawaii.
8.     Hearing my favorite 80s songs on the radio.
9.     Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
11. Cold sheets after a hot bath.
12. A washed car.
13. Giggling with James -- especially if he made me laugh.
14. A good, deep conversation with James -- from which I usually learn something new.
15. The beach with Mike and James -- and a football.
16. Finding money in my pocket.
17. Laughing at myself -- which I do frequently.
18. Eye contact -- and then a deeper understanding.
19. Two o'clock AM reading with Mike.
20. Running through sprinklers in Central Park with Mike.
21. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all -- or having one and not being able to share it.
22. Having people in my life I can honestly tell, "You are a beautiful human." 
23. Overhearing someone say something nice about my son. 
24. Morning kisses -- after we brush.
25. Making new friends -- or spending quality time with old ones.
26. Playing with Mamie Lou.
27. Having someone rub my scalp.
28. Sweet dreams that seem so real -- and I can remember them.
29. Hot chocolate, hot buttered rum, hot coffee with Kaluha.
30. Road trips.
31. Swinging on swings -- until I break it like I did to our back porch swing in Southdowns.
32. Baking bread, cakes, cookies, brownies, and pies.
33. Holding hands with Mike -- or James when he allows.
34. Running into an old friend and realizing things never change.
35. Watching the expression on James' face as he opens a present from Mike and me.
36. Watching the sunset on Waikiki Beach.
37. Getting out of bed every morning, embracing a new beautiful day -- know yesterday is gone and tomorrow doesn't exist.
38. Knowing that somebody misses me -- this is especially so considering we live so far away. Really, this means a lot.
39. A soft smile and a warm hug.
40. Knowing I've done the right thing, no matter what other people think.

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